Hiatus from internet is only a phase, an interval, time away. Even when you are in one you should not under estimate its power. Besides the endeavor it provides us with to catch up wth our guilt trips and procrastination, it does help us achieve considerable amount of me-time, which, the addictive internet time was not sparing us.
I've been going through a long hiatus. During the period (Shared Reviews being still under work, blogging being little fun, mturk's monotony and my laptop's irritable erratic functioning - the final nail on the coffin), I conveniently dealt with the reality checks. The first one being connecting with family and friends. Let me tell you, I did do a good job. I caught up with my friends, some after 20 long years (incredible emotions). I did enroll mself with the much procrastinated management course (finally) and I did update my bank jobs (became little more knowledgeable in money matters in due course).
And while doing all of this, I was particularly hooked to the book, I was long wanting to finish. The journey was a beautiful one. Not only did I cherish an amazing feeling but also I am, most certainly, a better reader now. I realized that I was regaining the ability of the power to read. The much talked about 'Focus' is just a matter of practice and the more you read the more you become a fast and good reader. The fact that I was intimidated by the hard bound 500 page book, had made me a lousy first page flipper. Halfway through the book though , my level of understanding and the speed of reading excelled magically.
The point is, knowledge begins with reading, reading more and reading good stuffs. But the habit of reading is a mere practice that just needs to be decided on. How and what we read decide on what are we going to write. If you are blogger or have decided a career in writing, read - just read and then understand and think for yourself. Reading, understanding, free thinking are great warriors. They hand in hand help us conquer amazing contents. The art of writing isn't that unapproachable after all.
I've been going through a long hiatus. During the period (Shared Reviews being still under work, blogging being little fun, mturk's monotony and my laptop's irritable erratic functioning - the final nail on the coffin), I conveniently dealt with the reality checks. The first one being connecting with family and friends. Let me tell you, I did do a good job. I caught up with my friends, some after 20 long years (incredible emotions). I did enroll mself with the much procrastinated management course (finally) and I did update my bank jobs (became little more knowledgeable in money matters in due course).
And while doing all of this, I was particularly hooked to the book, I was long wanting to finish. The journey was a beautiful one. Not only did I cherish an amazing feeling but also I am, most certainly, a better reader now. I realized that I was regaining the ability of the power to read. The much talked about 'Focus' is just a matter of practice and the more you read the more you become a fast and good reader. The fact that I was intimidated by the hard bound 500 page book, had made me a lousy first page flipper. Halfway through the book though , my level of understanding and the speed of reading excelled magically.
The point is, knowledge begins with reading, reading more and reading good stuffs. But the habit of reading is a mere practice that just needs to be decided on. How and what we read decide on what are we going to write. If you are blogger or have decided a career in writing, read - just read and then understand and think for yourself. Reading, understanding, free thinking are great warriors. They hand in hand help us conquer amazing contents. The art of writing isn't that unapproachable after all.