A lot of online earning opportunities involve networking. The more successful you are in online networking the more you likely to succeed in your earning endeavor. The fact that we need more traffic to our web pages to earn more makes this even more important.
Now how to get going with networking?
If you are already part of a social networking site, make as many new friends who are active online as you can.Visit their blogs/sites/articles, leave comments and votes.
When you join a particular site which involves interaction with other members, make as many friends you can and comment/rate their articles.
There are sites which are ideal for promotion or drawing traffic to your articles/content. Being an active member of Twitter is one I strongly recommend. You can also consider sites like Digg, and Stumbleupon.
Have a Youtube account. The videos you upload there can be embedded into your blog/site.
Facebook is a very important business tool as well. You can either open a personal page or a business page and create auto feed through RSS to auto post the article links.
While networking, remember to create an interesting profile wherever required and keep your introduction simple.
Now how to get going with networking?
If you are already part of a social networking site, make as many new friends who are active online as you can.Visit their blogs/sites/articles, leave comments and votes.
When you join a particular site which involves interaction with other members, make as many friends you can and comment/rate their articles.
There are sites which are ideal for promotion or drawing traffic to your articles/content. Being an active member of Twitter is one I strongly recommend. You can also consider sites like Digg, and Stumbleupon.
Have a Youtube account. The videos you upload there can be embedded into your blog/site.
Facebook is a very important business tool as well. You can either open a personal page or a business page and create auto feed through RSS to auto post the article links.
While networking, remember to create an interesting profile wherever required and keep your introduction simple.
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